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Itaca Festival - 21 June 2024

The morning begins at the Cagliari Golf Club, in the locality of Flumini di Quartu Sant'Elena, where visitors were able to try their hand at pickleball, a sport that is played with the racket and that has rules halfway between tennis and padel.

In the afternoon, the golden hands of Fabio - carpenter and, above all, carver - and the stories of Claudia, writer and passionate about Sardinian culture (not the common one and that many know, but the hidden, mysterious and secret one, made of Janas and amulets precious for the meaning they enclose) have attracted a large number of people, who could admire the work of one and listen to the other.

At "Casa Su Idanu" Fabio brought several models of chest, none equal to the other, neither in size nor for carving, plus some carpets worked to the Sardinian frame.

He began to carve and did not stop until he finished a small rose window and a lapwing, making fascinating every movement and chisel stroke. On Instagram his nickname is "froremundu".

Claudia Zedda continued the afternoon talking about her book "Il ricettario delle Janas", 75 recipes of the Sardinian tradition, from the most famous to the less known, but always extremely important to learn and pass on.

Inside the location, home to one of the two folklore associations of the city, visitors were able to admire a personal collection of traditional Sardinian clothes typical of Quartu Sant'Elena. On Instagram her nickname is "claudiazedda_sardegna".

The day ended as best you could at Casa Olla, with the Music Festival: several groups took turns on the stage set up inside the court of this Campidanese house, in an atmosphere of conviviality and joy.

Ph. Corona Manuela