+39 335 686 6211


Six months of work to plan and organize an event that has definitely exported the "brand" Quartu in Italy and abroad.

60 partners involved in the project.

1500 people who will become our ambassadors.

Seven travel magazines in national circulation who wrote about this Festival and this destination.

A commercial seen on FB and Instagram by about 70,000 users.

A portal page dedicated to the festival visited by 8000 users in 30 days.

3 Multimedial Totems in the city that made reference to the festival.

2500 Flyers distributed at Elmas Airport infopoint.

These are the numbers of the professional work of territorial marketing carried out by the Tourist Association of Quartu Sant'Elena.

I think the time is ripe for the Municipality of Quartu to seriously consider an organic and structured joint venture with ATQSE, because all this huge work of 4 years is recognized and not dispersed.

Roby Matta