+39 335 686 6211

Guardie Ecozoofile Ambientali

The GEA ODV, acronym of Environmental Zoofile Guards - Volunteer Organization, is an Agency of the Third Sector that operates throughout the national territory through its local sections.

It consists of volunteers who carry out various non-profit activities, with the aim of preserving and protecting the national environmental heritage, as well as the respect and protection of animals.

It is active in raising awareness of these issues and in preventing, detecting and reporting abuse of animals and the environment.

GEA-ODV offers 4 annual training courses for Zoophile Guards and can be contacted by

  • mail gea.odv.quartusantelena@gmail.com
  • PEC gea.odv.quartusantelena@pec.it
  • ph +39 331 348 3884